Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Do We Change As We Age?

I don't think so. I think that guy who sat with his feet on the coffee table will always sit with his feet on the coffee table. I think that girl who sat with her leg crossed swinging it will always sit with her leg crossed swinging it. Habits die hard.

The little girl who sits in wonder with her hands on her cheeks, is still the same little girl when she grows up with her hands on her cheeks.

Sure, the wonder may go from her eyes as we learn the many lessons life teaches us, but somewhere deep inside that little girl lives.

That is one of the wonders about aging -- we never really believe that we are as old as the years tell us we are. I remember asking my mother when she was in the 70s if she felt old, and she said no. I asked her again in her 80s, and she said no. Then, in her 90s, she said, "You know, Mary, I'm getting old." I asked her what it felt like, and she said, "It's hell getting old," explaining that her body was wearing out. It had nothing to do with her mind, her experiences, her attitude, the aging process was that her body was wearing out.

So, yes, we may have a few more wrinkles. But, I think some of those wrinkles are from the life we live. If a person works in the sun most days of life, there will be wrinkles. Smoking, drinking, staying up all night -- you know, the vices of the young -- will show on your hands and face if you carry those habits into later years. It's really quite simple, keep the old skin oiled, and the wrinkles don't show up for years.

And if you have good genes, maybe for a long, long time.

I think a lot of everything depends on your genes. Al worked outside in the sun the majority of his life -- he had very few wrinkles at the age of 69. Then there is Sue, who sat in the sun every day she could, and she started getting wrinkles when she was in the late 40s.

They say you can tell the age of someone by looking at their hands. I am always putting moisturizer on my hands to keep people guessing. Don't get me wrong, I embrace my age, but, really, it's no one's business how old I am or am not. And excuse me, but please, no stereotyping for me. I have heard people treat you differently when you tell them you are 70. Really!


I may be exercising with sweat pants and looking a bit gray, but in my mind, I look like this:

And shoot, could I go. So what's the difference now. Not much when I get moving, but for me the moves are gentler. Don't let that kid anyone, though -- many a lady I know are taking Zumba classes, followed with Yoga and a lap or two around the pool. I'd like any 40 year old to keep up with some of these ladies here!

We may look different, but in actuality
we are really 40. So, move over 70, this 40 year old is going to go for the next 30 years. And change. I don't think so. Who I was and what I did yesterday is the same as who I am and what I do today. I'll change in my 90s, thank you!

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

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