Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Fitbit Update

The fitbit. That wonderous device that looks like a watch, acts like a watch and wears like a watch, but is so much more. I have had it now for about 9 months, have worn it mostly faithfully (time out to recharge), and have synched it to my smartphone.

So, why am I not a svelte size 6? Uh, because I am not made that way. I don't think I was ever, EVER, a svelte anything. But, I was a trim and firm size 10 or 12 most of my life. Then came one thing after another, and the activity levels went down and my weight went up. Since I have changed my life, I thought with a BIT of effort, the weight would just drop off, especially if I kept track of food consumption, exercise, activity level, etc., etc. Hence, the purchase of my fitbit.

Not so. It's hard, hard, hard to take off that weight. I work with it every day. My most recent try has been to join a gym to follow a program. Can't really comment on that, though, as that only happened this week.

But, what about the fitbit? Without a doubt it has made me more aware of my eating habits and my exercise style. I have been more aware of my activity level and can push myself off the chair to DO something, anything instead of just sitting. I have learned to enjoy standing as I talk on the phone and possibly even pace. Steps, you know. They all count. I have even added the pacing to when I blow dry my hair, anything I can think of.

I do not think I was ever this aware of my activity level.

But I need to do more. Remember, my goal is to go to China. And I believe I need to be more than physically fit there because the brochure said "uneven steps with no hand railings." I wish they would also tell me the size of the riser on the step. Small risers are okay for me, large risers -- not so okay. When it comes to the steep step, I usually just look at it and decide if it is worth it. Usually nothing is worth the very steep step, which are few and far between. I can walk, no problem for a good 4 - 6 hours, but it's the darn steep step that gets me in trouble. I'm working on it, though.

Now, the fitbit has been great for raising my awareness, but because I wear it everyday it is getting worn. The band is made from a plastic of some sort, and I can tell it is beginning to pull away from the (black) part that displays the time. So, I know it is not going to last like a watch. It's the material used in the manufacture of it. I have done some research on the product, and it looks like there are similar experiences out there. Great idea, great product, not so great manufacturing material. Will I get another when this one is no good? I don't know. I am out on that one as of right now. I think if I can incorporate 3-4 days of exercise into my life and take daily walks, I will have the idea ingrained into my lifestyle. Then, I would not need the fitbit. So, we'll see about that one.

Until tomorrow...have a great day...

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