Monday, December 5, 2016

Montmorency Tart Cherries and Arthritis

As people age, they get arthritis. Arthur and I have had quite a relationship these past 10 years, and I have learned how to deal with him without taking a lot of meds. I started with ibuprofen and that was enough for years. When a flare-up occurred I used an ointment with menthol and rubbed that on my sore area. After years with this treatment, my doctor recommended a prescription for the arthritis so the ibuprofen would not hurt my stomach. I did and I really do not need the medication all year round. My arthritis is weather-related, and for me, that means when it is windy out, I hurt. Someone explained to me that it was the barometric pressure more than the wind. Whatever, I know when I am going to hurt.

Then came  Montmorency tart cherries. I had been hearing about them for quite some time. The first time I tried them I went to the health food store and bought liquid concentrate tart cherry juice. I did not know enough that I had to cut it with water and I took a teaspoon straight. OMG -- it was awful. Awful. And that was that. Some people can drink it straight, but I can not.

But, I kept hearing about the cherries, and a friend of mine has a daughter (in her 40s) who has arthritis and she swears by the tart cherries. After years of being on the regimen she knows the difference in her pain when she does not have her tart cherries. (She does take the liquid concentrate form but knows to cut it with water or juice). You can also buy Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice in the store (or on Amazon) but be sure it is pure. I would buy the organic form and be sure to read the label to make sure there are no added sugars. Just drinking a glass of the juice is 140 calories, so be certain there are no other calories added. And be sure not to drink more than 1-2 glasses of the juice a day.

One of the products I use is the dried tart Montmorency cherries. I make my own trail mix with nuts and chocolate and sometimes have the mix with a glass of wine at night as I watch TV or read. I also add the dried cherries to my oatmeal in the morning. (I sometimes add dried cranberries, too).

But, I would have to eat a lot of the dried cherries to gain the same effect as the juice.

Another way to drink your cherries is to make a smoothie, but this is made with real cherries, not the juice.

Blend 1 small banana
           1/2 cup of frozen montmorency frozen cherries
           1/2 cup of low-fat milk (or almond or soy or coconut)
in a blender until smooth.

The tart cherries are good for more than arthritis. According to, and there is a long list of benefits from drinking the  Tart Montmorency Cherry Juice, including:

1. high in potassium, so it helps with muscle damage after exercise as well as helps recovery in marathon runners.

2. fights inflammation (and that is what osteoarthritis is, inflammation)

3. has flavonoids, which is a type of antioxidant, so it is good for boosting your immune system.

4. regulates metabolism and fights fat, especially the abdominal body fat

5. helps with sleep

6. blocks cancer growth

7. helps fight age-related cognitive decline (study published in the August 2009 Journal of Nutrition)

8. helps fight heart disease (study published in 2013, European Review for Medical and Pharmacalogical Science)

Be aware that because the tart cherries are sour, there may be side effects, such as a stomach ache, diarrehea, or abdominal discomfort.

Please, please let your doctor know you are going to take the cherries, just to be on the safe side.

In all my research on this subject, I found that when you drink 1 cup of the Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice 2 times a day for 21 days, you will see a difference in your arthritis (or gout), plus I read how much better people felt after only a week. So, I am going to start this sometime this week, and I am going to do it for 21 days (including the holiday) and will get back to you on how I feel.

What about you? Do you want to go the journey with me?

Until Wednesday...have a great day...

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