Thursday, December 15, 2016

Trump and the Electoral College

I am going against my staunch conviction to not discuss politics with this post. I still am not going to talk about politics, but I have to post about the Electoral College vote that is suppose to happen this coming Monday.

As the world knows, the American people's popular vote was for Hillary Clinton in November but Donald Trump carried the majority of states and thus, the electoral votes. So, according to our constitution, he wins.

I wondered about the electoral college and so I researched. I learned that the reason why the electoral college is is that the majority of people live in and around large cities, but there are tons of people who live in rural areas. Large cities have more people, thus more votes, but in actuality if you take into account all the people who live outside of large cities, there are more of them than the city slickers. The electoral college was put into place to make an election fair. What November's election tells me is that Hillary got the people from the large cities and Trump got the rest. It was a pretty cut and dried picture on election night. The news networks showed where the votes were from and who voted from where. I understand this reasoning. Is it fair for large cities to win an election when people outside of the large cities do not live by the same ideology as those who come from the cities?

Then there comes the facets between the liberal democrats and the conservative republicans. I am not even going to elaborate on this because there is too much hate being spewed from the mouths on both sides. This has taught me how divided our country is. Truly, I can say I have not opened my mouth on what I believe about  either of these two facets, but I can tell you that I have witnessed families and friends being ripped apart to not talk nor want to have anything to do with each other. I shake my head in disbelief and sorrow. For 40 year friendships to not exist any longer or fathers and sons not to talk -- because of politics -- there is something else going on here. It reminds me of brother against brother at the time of our civil war.

Now comes the electoral college vote on Monday. I thought I knew a bit about our constitution and how this country is run, but apparently not. Even though Trump got the electoral votes on election night, the Electoral College is going to vote on Monday and they can upset the entire course of history, or not. This has never happened in recent years (last time was 1824), and I never knew anything about this. I thought everything was decided on election night. I have a lot to learn, and can definitely say that I am living through a piece of history. (Shoot, I have lived through many pieces of history.)

Since I am a baby boomer and it is common knowledge that we changed the world then, I honestly believe that this election, no matter what happens, will also change our world.

As the saying goes, "hold on, Buttercup, we're in for a ride...."

Until next week... have a great one...

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