Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Humans Needed

I have seen it all.

On Facebook's ads to the right of the page there was an ad where we could have

Experiences with Humans

Experiences with Humans! -- the last time I looked I was human! The people I know and talk to and with are human (or at least I think so), I feel human. I have human hands, human feet, human feelings, human thoughts -- so exactly what was the ad referring to if we can experiences with humans?

Are there beings around us that are not human? Does the creator of the ad feel that she or he is not human and wants an experience with a human? I think the creator of the ad has been watching too much "Ancient Aliens", 

True, there are many unexplainable occurrences in the world, and maybe we do originate from another planet -- who knows -- but, unless I am blinded by my humanness, most people (humans) I know look the same. We all have two eyes, two ears, one mouth, and well, we all look the same. Sure, you might be able to identify a person coming from an Asian country or African or Moorish or Indian  or...but we all look the same. Earth is our planet, and as we study how we have evolved, there are explanations on how and why we look different depending on our locale. We (most of us anyway) probably want the same -- to be safe with a roof over our head and food on the table, to feel that we are cared for by at least one other person (human) and we care back. our world becoming so computer driven that people do not interact with other people (humans) and they feel a need to interact with other people. Maybe, then, it is time to turn off all electronics and step outside and say hello. A simple Hi should gather at least a smile, and possibly a Hi back.

I am on the computer a lot, but I also interact with humans a lot. May we never forget our humanness.

Until tomorrow...have a great day...

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