This is the original plate she created, both the front side (much more colorful) and the backside (where she spelled her name).
Then I selected an old picture frame I had around the house (I think I picked it up at a garage sale from 50 cents).
Then, I wanted to paint the frame white, front and back but I did not have to be that careful on the front because I was going to cover it. On the backside, I used painter's tape around the edges, and gave it many coats so the white was nice and shiny.
Now comes the fun part -- smashing the plate. How I did it was I put the plate in a plastic bag then a paper bag and I went outside to the cement walk and threw it on the ground. I kept doing this, picking out the best pieces until I knew I had a good selection to choose from.
Now, I put the selected pieces around the frame. This is my first attempt. I thought some pieces too big, so I took them back outside and smashed some more. (Of course, there are tools you can use to cut the ceramics, but I enjoyed smashing the plate to bits!)
After I had the pieces I wanted to surround the frame, I took a filing tool and filed the rough edges from the plate. (At right).
Then, it was time to glue the pieces onto the frame. I chose to only cover the front of the frame because it is a small frame. I used gorilla glue, but you could use any glue for the material you are using. I was using ceramic to wood.
I let this dry overnight to make sure all pieces were secure. The next morning I picked it up, turned it over and shook. I was good to go. No pieces fell from it.
Then, I got out the grout I selected. Since this is my first mosaic piece, I selected the simplest grout I could find. It is in a powder form and I mixed 1 part water to 4 parts grout powder.
I stirred it until it had a good consistency and started putting it all around the front of the frame and on the sides where the plate piece hit. This was messy but easy. I used an old paint brush for this project, so now I have a grout brush!
I followed the directions exactly, and it said to immediately wipe the excess grout from the piece. I did this a few times with a damp sponge. After I knew that I had it fairly clean, I took a paper towel and went over each piece to make sure the pieces were clean from grout.
I let it sit overnight. You probably would not have to, but I had the time.
I went to the drugstore to have a copy of the original plate made to put inside the picture frame. And today I put it in the mail for Katie to have a piece of her history. She is a Lacrosse player, so I hope she puts many great lacrosse pictures inside this frame.
Until tomorrow...have a great day...
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