Monday, July 18, 2016

Omega 6

I think I am catching on to this nutrition "thing", and guess what folks, our diet in America is killing us. And if you are poor in America, it is really killing you.

Omega 6 is basically found in all oils, the different oils have varying amounts of Omega 6 fatty acids, such as safflower oil contains 75% Omega 6 and no Omega 3 vs.canola oil at 20% Omega 6 and 9% Omega 3. We can control what type of oils come into our house (I use extra virgin oil, but I have heard some of that may be mislabeled), but usually when a person goes to the grocery store they buy what they can afford, and the bad oils (safflower, corn, sunflower oils) are usually the cheapest.

Then, there are the fast food joints. I did a brief search on what kinds of oils used when frying the french fries at fast food joints, and I did not see any olive oil (monounsaturated fats) which is considered the healthiest fat to eat. I did see a lot of the unhealthy oils as their cooking oil.

Then, there are all our processed foods -- you know, the cookies, cakes, etc. that have to be cooked some way with fats. I am sure when you are cooking for the masses, you are not thinking of cooking with the best of oils.

So. Why is Omega 6 oils bad for us. Basically, because we have too much of it in our diet. Omega 6 is essential for our health, it's just that we have too much of it. The big thing is that too much produces inflammation, and with all the information out there, we now know that inflammation causes heart disease, cancer, arthritis -- you know, the big ones. When there is a 1:1 ratio of Omega 3 (remember nuts and salmon) to Omega 6 (oils), we are okay because the Omega 3 counter balances the Omega 6, and inflammation is kept in check.

So far, I keep seeing that eating the Mediterranean Diet is the best way to eat. I need to check that out. I do know that cooking at home is the safest way to eat because I am in control of what I cook and how I cook it.

Also, while I was doing the search, I found a statement that needs to be checked out more -- that canola oil is mostly a gmo (genetically modified oil) -- I need to learn about this. Stay tuned on this one, I will pass my info on.

If you want to learn more about Omega 6, and University of Maryland Medical Center have noteworthy information.

One of the items they discuss, but I am not in the least qualified to discuss, is GLA Omega 6 (gamma linolenic acid) which is plant derived and they are finding very beneficial to fight diseases. Check it out.

In between time, stay healthy.

Until tomorrow...have a great day...

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