Tuesday, May 31, 2016

They Call it Decluttering -- I Call it Purging

I woke up one day last week and I couldn't take it any longer. I had to get rid of the piles of papers, magazines and newspapers I had all over the house. I had to. It was like I was a slave to the paper. I spent the entire day going through each piece of paper, each magazine, each newspaper. And after an entire day, 95% was done. Of course, I still have one pile and one stack of magazines. The International Travel Magazines. The one pile will be gone someday soon. Still haven't figured out what "soon" means, but soon.

Now I am on a roll. I got out all my shoes, and now they are all over the bedroom floor. I am wearing each pair and if for any reason, I don't like the feel on my feet or toes, out they go. Someone out there, you are going to get new shoes. One of them is a Birkenstock, so get ready....Still have more shoes to try on and wear for at least a half a day. This project should take me into next week.

Why have all this "stuff" if I do not use it. Simply, I do not want it any longer. Less to care for, less to dust, less to look messy.

After the story is finished (I'm rewriting the last two scenes of the last story -- the end is in sight!), I am going to do the same with my beloved purses. This time, though, I am going to sell them on e-bay or amazon. I have fantastic Kate Spades and Michael Kors and Coach that I have never used. Not once, still have the price tags on. Don't need them, don't want them.

Actually, the reason for the purse downsizing is some are just too heavy. It started with my favorite green Ralph Lauren purse, and as I travel I needed to use it because it is my favorite, but it gets heavy. Too heavy as I load it up with more papers and maybe a pair of flip flops (of course in a bag). So, I want to travel light -- it's time to let go. But the green Ralph Lauren stays. Can't part with that purse, no matter how heavy it gets.

After the purses, there are more items to sell. I just want to get rid of the "stuff". I figure pretty soon I will be footloose and fancy free -- like I was in college. I could pack all my "stuff" in one car and be gone. Outta here.

Now, isn't that a nice idea. No strings, no obligations, no responsibilities. Just flow where the day takes me. Okay, I'm dreaming on that one, but I can definitely travel through this life's journey a lot lighter.

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

Monday, May 30, 2016

It's My Metabolism!

I am about as slow as a turtle -- that's what I say. So much so that some days I think I am on the stop version instead of the slow version. I am trying to change that. I was not always this way, I have been known to run circles around other people, but the older I get, the slower I get, and I do not like it.

I have been working on my metabolism for a while now. I am still slow, but once I talk to myself and tell myself to kick it up a notch, I will go faster, and really, that does help. I also drink a concoction that is suppose to help the metabolism. It is:

6-8ounces of pineapple juice, 1 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil, and 1 Tablespoon of Lechitin Granules

Stir it up and drink. It doesn't taste bad, and I know the ingredients are excellent for me, but I am not sold on the metabolism story. I will keep drinking it, though, just for the nutrient value.

The metabolism is so important. I always hear it is our metabolism that makes us gain weight or keeps us from taking off the pounds. Well, that is kinda true because the metabolism converts what we eat and drink into energy. So, if we are eating all "bad" stuff, that weight gain is going to happen. "Bad" stuff includes all those fast foods we Americans know so well and what made us walk around with the extra weight in the first place before we knew better; as well, let's not forget the sweets we love so much -- the donuts, cakes, pies, cookies. Now, put us in front of a TV or computer, and we hardly get in 3,000 steps a day let alone the 10,000 that are good for us. What to do, what to do.

In the beginning, I could walk 4 miles in about 50 minutes, and I felt good and looked even better. Now, according to the treadmill's calculations, I can walk 1 mile in under 30 minutes -- like 29 minutes. Bad, very bad. But, I keep doing it. And people are noticing. I am not changing my diet (except for the fast foods, they are basically unheard of now -- still into the chocolate, though, and donuts are restricted to only once a month --- ouch!!!!)

So, how can I help my metabolism run faster?

1. -- Strength training because muscle burns more than fat. On my to-do list.
2. -- Speed up my walk. Am doing, remember, I talk to myself to kick it up a notch. My goal is to walk the treadmill mile in 25 minutes. Baby steps.
3. -- Get rid of the trans fat (those fast foods and donuts). Half accomplished. Trans fats slow down the ability to burn fat. Not too smart if I walk and do strength training and then eat the wrong foods!
3. -- Eat omega-3 foods. Actually, this is an easy one for me (the flaxseed oil is filled with omega-3, and I love salmon and almonds). Done and ongoing.
4. -- Eat healthy breakfast, such as oatmeal with almonds and berries. I do this but not often. I need to incorporate this more, and I love oatmeal. A healthy breakfast gets the metabolism going.
5. -- Eat proteins because they burn at a slower rate and therefore burns more fat. No problem with this because I am a meat and egg eater. Lots of protein in my diet.
6. -- Eat smaller meals more times a day. Hard, hard, hard one for me. I have the bad habit of eating small during the day, and then once the evening meal hits, I am ravished, and I eat too much. Then, I am miserable, and I forget for the next day, or I don't eat much the next day. (Not Good At All because this is the habit that made my metabolism slow to begin with -- the yo-yo diet). Need to concentrate on this one.
7. -- Drink green tea. According to new research, drinking green tea is not only good for the antioxidant value but if you drink enough green tea (suggested is 40 ounces a day, that is 5-8 ounce glasses a day -- hot or cold) it helps your metabolism. I think I could incorporate this because I like tea and I am a water drinker. Which is always good for a person. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I need to start drinking green tea.

Besides helping my metabolism work better, I needed to know my resting metabolism rate. I needed to know that because we need metabolism for small things like breathing, blood circulation, hormones, and growing and repairing cells.

I went to Shapeup.org and inserted my height, weight, age and gender and it calculated my resting metabolic rate. I wanted to know how it worked so I plugged in different weights and found the more I weight the more calories it takes to sustain life. So, as I lose weight, I do not need as many calories to sustain those simple things like breathing and blood circulation. Go to shapeup.org then go to resting metabolic rate calculator (you can find this on a pull down on top of the page) and find out your resting metabolic rate.

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Living A Purpose-Filled Life

I call them goals, goals that are ever changing and evolving. Some people say that what I perceive as goals are lives filled with purpose. A slight difference but basically the same meaning.

My goals give me a headway to have a purpose for that day, that week, that month, that year. I need to sometime see instantaneous results, so some of my goals can be filled that day or that hour, such as today my goal was to sort and purge paperwork. Done. Writing this blog is instantaneous as soon as I hit the "publish" button. Then, there are weekly goals -- goals I want to see finished by the end of the week, such as walking 10,000 steps three times a week. That is also a continual goal. Or, there are goals that might take me more than a week but no more than a month, such as some of my craft projects. Then, there are the long-range goals. Here is my writing, although my goal has been modified to complete this last short story by the end of the weekend. There is no instant gratification in writing, believe me. It is long and as soon as I think I am satisfied, I want to change the story in some way. Writing is a never-ending story.

With the goals come purpose. I have purpose to get out of bed because of my goals. I have always had goals, probably always will. So, I do believe my life is purpose-filled. I find purpose in smiling and saying a simple "hi" to the people I meet in a day: I find purpose in dreaming about the life to come, the one that I am creating today, hour by hour: I find purpose in changing the stereotype of seeing the retired as "old" -- we are young, vibrant, starting new businesses, traveling, volunteering, learning languages and new ideas, taking care of our health, helping the younger children raise their children as they work the long hours. The list is endless because we are endless.

Also, when I live that purpose-filled life, I know I am helping myself live longer. Rush University Medical Center in Chicago has found that people who have purpose in their life do live longer.

I am not for certain I want to live to be 100, but if I am still motivated to get up and go, I might. I just read one article where a lady at the age of 97 gives yoga classes on a weekly basis and she is a winner of ballroom dancing competitions. At 97! And she doesn't look a day over 60 by the photo.

Dick Van Dyke said in an interview that he continually learns. Right now his passion is learning about 3-D animation on his computer. And he dances and sings his way through the day. Bet there are a few laughs thrown in.

Me -- I have a notebook filled with what I want to accomplish in this life. I have one huge goal that drives me every day. It is my goal, my purpose, and I want to finish that purpose. I want to see it materialize and then thrive.

Until Monday...have a great weekend.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

I'm Changing

I guess there is only one thing you can be sure of in this world, and that is change.

I started this blog with only three goals -- to do crafts, write, and travel. But, I know I am changing my goals. Yes, I will continue to do the crafts until I have finished all the pieces I have started and the pieces that I want. I figure that should take me a couple of years. But, and that is a big BUT, writing seems to be coming to the forefront.

Yes, I have finished writing all the short stories, but now I have to rewrite the last one before I send it to the editor. She is my first step after writing. There are many more steps before I publish, and I will take you on that journey with me when I start it, which is only weeks away.

There is more than writing fiction, although that is my first love. I am also interested in genealogy, and I am soon going to start another line, the English line. (as soon as the book goes to press). I still want to travel to Germany and Switzerland to see how far back I can trace my father's paternal side. While I am there, I should go and see where my mother's family is from. She was 2nd or 3rd generation American, and I know that a cousin has already linked my mother's side to Germany. I do have some names of relatives there. But, I am very interested in my father's maternal side. That is the side I am going to investigate.

Yes, there will be stories from what I know and what I will know.

Which leads me to one idea that I am toying with. Since I do a lot of research, enjoy writing, and have my hands in genealogy, I am thinking hard on starting a business of Personal Historian. I would interview people who would like me to write their history, and do as much research on their family as they want, then, with their help we would go through pictures and I would then compile all the information into a book of their personal history. I think I would really enjoy doing this for others, because I love doing it for myself. And it is right in line to the type of fiction writing I do. Mostly my short stories are considered historical fiction because I have taken a period of time and centered my character around the happenings of that time.

So, the crafts would be replaced when I am finished with my list of wants and to dos.

The other thing I am thinking about doing is taking Ballroom Dancing Lessons. I have always loved to dance, and was quite good at Disco in my day! I wonder if I would be good at this. That is altogether different, isn't it!

I simply know that my world is changing, still in chapter 14, not life changes, but changes on what interests I am developing.

Of course there will be travel. Soon, the time is coming closer, I will be taking you to Seattle and Alaska with me. I can't wait to see the glaciers. I am now the new owner of a pink rain poncho for the trip!

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Feeling Off-Kilter With Sleep Inertia

I knew I was going to be away from my blog for a few days last week, as I told you I wouldn't be available on Friday. I was not available on Monday either, but I figured I would be going full speed ahead on Tuesday. Then, the oddest thing happened.

First, I did not feel well Monday night, but I did not think much of it.

Then, I had a great night sleep Monday night -- 9 1/2 hours of it. But within 10 minutes of being awake, I couldn't come out of sleep. I felt like I had been drugged. I don't normally take drugs, but Monday I did take an antihistamine for allergies, the non-drowsy type. Other than that occasional pill, I do not take medicine, so I knew it was not medicine related. But, all day, I could not wake up. I stayed awake, walked around the house like a zombie, ate some food, looked at myself in the mirror and saw this extremely tired looking person looking back at me. Slits for eyes. Hair a mess. I shuffled away from that mirror fast.

I was like that all day. By the time I went to bed at 11 last night, I was beyond tired.

Then, I woke up this morning after my usual 7 1/2-8 hours of sleep, and even though I felt a bit off-kilter, I was functionable.

Today was my massage, and as I was telling this to my masseuse, she said she has felt like that all week. What is going on? She thought it was due to the ocean and stars alignment. I, personally, have no clue. I just think I got stuck in the sleep mode.

So, I looked up what was happening on the internet, and there is something called "sleep inertia" when you wake up in SWS (slow wave sleep). It was suppose to go away after 1-4 hours, mine lasted a good 12 hours or a full day if you want to count the other hours I slept. I know I do not like the feeling, I don't know what it feels like being drugged, but I do not like it.

With that in mind, I am back. Awake, not wide-awake, but awake and raring to go. And now I know that I can get stuck in the sleep mode. Sleep inertia. Maybe I simply slept too long Monday night.

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

On Genealogy

My sister and I started tracing our father's paternal ancestors in the early 1980s. At that time, we went to the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. and we looked through file cards to start the process. How times have changed! Now, most information is available on the internet, and with "Who Do You Think You Are?" and the availability of DNA testing, nearly everyone can start the process.

It is a long process. Believe me. With work, raising children and simply maintaining this thing called life, it took us about 20-25 years. Finally, my sister Jackie retired and she pursued the research full time. One of the problems she encountered was that first names were passed down through the generations, such as there are many Hans as a first name. That is the grandfather, the father, the son, the son's son -- then there were cousins named Hans -- and who in the world is who. This happened more than once. Hans, George, Philip....names that stump the researcher. Somehow, though, the puzzle was solved and we can be traced to the 1700s in Switzerland or Germany. I would like to continue on that line and see if I can go back further. I should have continued studying German in college! If I can prove any thing that I have sketched, I may be able to trace the line to the 1300s. That is remarkable. I really hope it does not take me 20-25 years to prove or disprove that.

I am going to start tracing our father's maternal side very soon. I have some sketches to start with and I know that her father does not have much to say, but her mother's side has much history, if it is true.

There is one thing I know for sure in researching and finding the stories, our lives are little different from our ancestors. We are the same today as yesterday and tomorrow, I believe we will continue to be the same. Our environment may change, our clothes may look different, our language may change, but we are the same, and we are all the same. All of us. It's a profound realization that took me many, many years to arrive at, but I do believe that.

Just a few weeks ago, Morgan Freeman narrated The Story of God series on National Geographic Channel. Very interesting episodes, but one in particular was extremely interesting to the genealogist -- man can be traced to one particular man in Africa a very, very long time ago.  And did you know that 1 in 200 men in the world are related to Genghis Khan, or 16 million people. That's a lot of people from one man!

I am going to be unavailable tomorrow, so I will sign off early for the weekend.

Until Monday...have a great weekend....

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Beginning of My Last Short Story for the Collection

I can have an idea for a story, and then it takes a life of its own. This final story I am writing for my first collection is growing and giving me twists and turns I never expected.

These following paragraphs begin the story

Then, she was 13, nearly 14, with her blonde hair cropped along her hairline and her emerald green eyes wide-awake. She would be protected by her father, the train's conductor, during this first train ride to where she considered home, not that new town with people she neither understood nor felt comfortable to be around. She was going home, to where her sisters lived, and where her friends still went to school and talked about boys while they walked from one town to another.

That was what they did in 1929. Walked. There were cars then, but not many. Some cars had to be hand-cranked to start the motor running, but mostly the cars had a standard clutch with two seats. Some had rumble seats. Basically, cars were black, but there were dark blue cars or forest green. More than not, the rumble seat's covering matched the inside seating. It was in back of the inside seating and open to the elements of rain, wind, and sun. She didn't like to ride in a rumble seat, away from everybody, alone, away from the laughter. Her sister's friend, Johnny, had a car with a rumble seat, and when he was not farming, he would take them to the next town. Otherwise, they walked the seven miles from one sister's house to the other.

She liked the train ride.She would sit in the seat at the front of the train's car, and her dad would put her belongings on the seat next to her so no one would sit there. She liked watching her dad go to the different people in the train's car and ask them for their ticket and then stay an extra minute and talk with them. Sometimes, he would gesture his head toward her, telling the rider that the waif-life blonde was his daughter. Those moments of recognition made her proud.

With each mile the train moved toward her home, to the town where her sisters lived, now married with children of their own, her smile widened.

Her dad took her away from her home and her sisters when she was barely 13 to the town 150 miles north. He worked for the Illinois Central as a conductor, and neither he nor his family felt the devastation many in the country felt when the stock market crashed that October 29th. He never trusted banks, anyway, always keeping his extra money in tin cans with lids. Sometimes, he buried those tin cans in the yard when no one was looking. He had his job, a new wife, and together they took the two youngest children -- Rosa and Clarence -- to start a new life in a new town.


That is the beginning. Does the story make you want to read more?

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Old Lamp Made New

I have been working on this lamp for, I think, forever.

I bought this lamp about 30 years ago, and have used it in a number of ways. My latest was to paint seashells and put them inside the glass lamp. I love it. It gives color, and with the lampshade, it has a dimming effect for the bedroom I put it in.

I painted the seashells by hand with acrylic paint. I could have done it faster if I would have spray painted them, but I figured if I sprayed them, the paint would not have gone on even, and I also did not want all the shells to look the same.

Some of the acrylic colors I had on hand, but since I seem to use a lot of white, I picked more up at Walmart for 50 cents a bottle. But, you can find acrylic paints for crafts at any hobby stores like Michaels or Hobby Lobby. It's just that Walmart was close.

After they were all painted, I decided to decorate some with some seed beads I had on hand. This was a messy but simple task by using Elmer's Glue. I just squirted some on the shell where I wanted the seed beads and then poured the beads over the glued spot.

All in all, they turned out really good, and they are securely fastened to the shell. I took the shells to the garage and set up an area where I could lay them out and then I sprayed a clear glossy sealant to seal the paint to the shells. I just used what I had around the house, and I am sure you can pick up clear sealant for cheap.

After the sealant dried,  I was ready to put my lamp together. I did include some natural shells.

I bought a new finial for the top of the lamp, and it turned out looking like this

An inexpensive purchase made years ago has taken on many looks through the years, this last one a colorful one to complement my new seaside decor. 

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

Monday, May 16, 2016

What's the Big Deal with 10,000 Steps?

I want to be a good girl, I really do, but 10,000 steps a day for the rest of my life! It just sounds too much. 10,000 steps. What's so special about that number, that magical number?

It didn't start out as a magical number, 10,000 steps was a Japanese campaign to sell pedometers, but once people started stepping 10,000 times, those steps showed magic.

According to the data, 10,000 steps IS a magical number. It lowers blood pressure (after 24 weeks of daily 10,000 steps), reduces the waist line, increases energy, lessens the risk for Type II Diabetes and heart disease, lessens mental decline, improves sleep, and helps relieve depression. Sounds good.

Personally, I like the reduced waist line and increased energy. (I'm always working on that energy level). And since mini-strokes run in the family I am interested in anything that will help me prevent those from happening. So, I jumped for joy when I read that the Harvard School of Public Health found that 30 minutes of exercise a day cuts stroke risk by a minimum of 20%. I want some of that!

That is what 10,000 steps should equal -- 30 minutes of exercise. Notice I said "should". I must have a very short stride because my 10,000 steps equals anywhere between 45-60 minutes. There are days when I do reach 10,000 steps. Not many in a week, on average two, but I do hit it and I am so proud. I would smile from ear to ear when I do but it's usually late at night when I am trying to get in the last 1,000, and by the time I hit the 10,000 mark, all I want to do is sleep. That is what I do --  a sound, good sleep.

I have sedentary days when I am writing all day, or if I am flying for the majority of the day, and in my sedentary days I only have 2,000-3,000 steps a day. Not good. Without any effort of taking extra steps, an average day for me runs anywhere between 5,000-7,000 steps. Those steps I obtain in simply living a life -- running errands, straightening the house, working on a project, nothing special. Those extra 3,000-5,000 steps are added with effort. Maybe I will go to the gym for 30 minutes and walk on the treadmill, or I will walk around the house 10 minutes at a time so many times a day.

I can tell you through my own experience that I have lost weight by adding steps to my life. According to data, when you walk 10,000 steps a day every day for a week, you will burn between 2,000 and 3,500 calories a week. That equals between 1/2 and 1 pounds of fat gone. Gone. Of course, I do not eat all junk either.

One thing I have found out through the steps is that my food choices have improved. Some. I still have chocolate, and once a week or twice, not daily or even close to daily I will have a sweet, like a donut or brownie (my downfalls), but that is not bad. Not what it could be. And my weight has been lowering, so I believe the data.

They say that once a person hits 10,000 steps a day, every day, for 6 months, it will become habit.

I think I have a ways to go for it to be habit. Since I average 10,000 steps 2 times a week, there is a good possibility that I can up that to 3 times a week. Everything in it's own good time. I guess it will be a long while before 10,000 steps becomes a habit for me, but I do know one thing, that China tour is more in reach with every step I take. That's how all this started. I want to go to China, and I better be able to keep up with the tour guide.

As I write these last words, it is 5:30 p.m EST and I have about 5,000 steps in today. I think I should be able to get in 7,000 steps without much of an effort.

Until tomorrow...have a great steppin' day!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Preparing for my Writing Weekend

I had planned to finish the short story last weekend, but it just did not work out that way. It wasn't that I didn't have the time, it wasn't that I didn't have the story. I did not have writer's block, but the story simply was not flowing the way I wanted it to go, so I spent most of the time researching ideas for the story and for the publishers.

I read what I had written to my writer's class, and they seem to think it is okay, and I have mulled over the story in my mind this entire week. So, I am ready to write.

Last story. Important story. With this story finished I am on my way to being a published fiction author. A dream is going to come true.

What is your dream? You can do it. If I can, you can. Don't give up, even when there is a road block. Dreams come true. They really, really do.

Time to sharpen my pencils.

Have a great weekend...

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Talk in Ceramics was about Prescription Pain Medicine

Went to ceramics today, and the talk was all about prescription pain medicine. Their prescription pain medicine and the cost and how much they take and why they take it. Apparently, for most of these ladies they are dependent on their pills, taking them in the morning and at night. It did not sound as if they were taking more than what was prescribed, but they need their drug. And probably for the rest of their lives.

I am lucky, I do not have pain other than from arthritis, and I can live with that constant ache. When it gets too much, I go to the arthritis pill prescribed, but I can have a bottle for six months, so, no, I am not dependent.

This topic extended to home. When I am home in the middle of the afternoon I watch THE TALK, and today's show started with Prince and his taking prescription pain medicine. Is this what contributed to his death? Then, they talked about Jamie Lee Curtis writing an essay on how she (17 years ago) became dependent on pain medicine after a medical procedure.

Then, I look around at the people I know, and I do know people who are dependent on pain medicine. One of my sisters was in so much pain that she was dependent on pain medicine. So much so that when she developed cancer, she did not even know she had it until she went into the hospital for what she thought was an asthma episode. A few days later she was dead. Just a few days. Her pain medicine masked the pain from the cancer everywhere in her body.

From what I observe, the use of pain medication is at an epidemic proportion. It's not the use for a short period of time, it's once a patient goes over that point of no return and becomes dependent on its effects that will alter a life. That's when it's bad. And who is really paying attention? Certainly not the drug manufacturers. Family and friends see and do not respond because they are prescribed by a doctor. We trust doctors, right?

When did we stop trusting our gut feeling on knowing when something is good for us or not? Doctors are great, but I prefer the one who does not like to prescribe medicine. Any medicine. That's me, though. I listen to my body, to what it is telling me.

And I know from all the research that there are two HUGE items that I need to work on -- one is inflammation in the body and the other is the immune system. If we could get rid of the inflammation in our body and had a healthy immune system we would be good to go for a very long time.

Then, people would not need to be addicted to pain medicine. Or, maybe, we are just guinea pigs for the pharmaceuticals....

Until tomorrow...to your health, and have a great day.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Another Newspaper Closed Due to the Digital Age

I am a trained journalist. I have worked as a newspaper reporter, a magazine editor, and have edited a couple of books. Now I am writing my own fiction. But, I do have a rant. A big rant. It may be because of my training, desire and experience, but I really want to scream when I hear of another newspaper closing its doors. The last one has been the Tampa Tribune, after a mere 120+ years. Job loss, around 100 from the 265 employed. So, Tampa will only have one newspaper, the Tampa Bay Times.

Then, I heard that the newspaper where I am originally from is cutting its Monday edition. Okay, it still exists.

You might say, well Tampa still has one newspaper, and that may be true, but when I worked in the business, competing newspapers give different slants to stories. Such as, the presidential primaries are everywhere and one paper might endorse a Republican and the other a Democrat. If there is only one paper, you, the reader, are only getting that one slant. I say that is propaganda because both agendas will not be represented.

They say the reason is the digital age. News is now available on the web. And believe me, I get a lot of it from the web. But, when I want to really learn something, I prefer the written word. I want to get up close and personal with the subject.

My master's thesis was on how well people understood the written word from a newspaper when that word was not defined. The target newspaper reader had a 6th grade reading level at that time, some 35 years ago. I understand it is lower today; the last I heard it was 4th grade reading level.

So, tell me how can an average reader research a topic in-depth to arrive at an informed decision? That person is probably working, raising a family, and trying to keep a hot meal and warm sheets in the house. When are they going to have the time to research a topic in-depth? It's not going to happen. That is the journalists' job, and then to report it to Joe and Jane Public. Hopefully, they will have the time to look at the article and it will become food for thought.

Newspapers came into existence to educate and inform. Education was a key. Not the reading, writing, and arithmetic you get in school, the education on how to live in this world through politics, sociology, psychology, environment, etc. This has been on the downturn for some time but as I look at newspapers, I can still see some of this exists. In some places.

Now the information is being reduced to a minute section on TV or video. I think it is a losing battle, and I do not like it. Not at all. I want people to have the information so they will be able to think about topics. I want people to grow in thought. I want people to succeed, and that means being given many opportunities to know differing points of view.

Then, I could continue with what happens if we have a massive electrical blackout that lasts a long time. Where are you going to get the know of what is happening? Printing presses won't be running because the paper is out of business, computers won't be running because they need electricity to run. I guess we'll have to divert back to the bell ringer in the town square, "Hear ye, hear ye"...

Does anyone agree with me? or is it just me?

Until tomorrow...have a great day

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Summer has Begun in Sunny Florida!

I'm devastated, just devastated. My writing group is disbanding for the summer months. We won't meet again until August 23rd. As I finish this book, I am going to soooo miss them.

Apparently, summer does happen in sunny Florida. People are going home/north for the summer, or some are going to be traveling for most of the summer months. It does not make a difference if we have more sunny days than not, summer is here.

If I were north, flowers would be planted, lawn furniture pulled out from the shed and cleaned off, lawn mower and tools pulled out and cleaned, outside spigots uncovered and hoses attached, outside windows cleaned off after the winter freeze, talking with neighbors over the fences, walking outside on clean roads. That is the beginning of summer in the north. Here, that is our everyday. I live in summer year round. What do they do here in the summer? What are the rituals, the rites of passage?

I have no clue. Even though I have been here for nearly two years, this is my first summer as a full-time resident. Maybe I will get that stain glass piece finished! Maybe I will lay at the pool or on the beach for the summer months. Certainly, I will finish my last story and start the publishing process.

Today's writing group meeting was phenomenal. Penny Fletcher, award winning journalist and author of at least three books, was our guest speaker. She was there to answer our questions on publishing our work, detailing some of the perks of self-publishing. Well, I knew that I was going to publish my book that way, so I had already researched the subject before I knew she was going to speak to the group. After listening to her, it only instilled the idea further into my quest of seeing a book published. I am so ready for this dream to become a reality.

I am working on my last story, and although I am having some difficulties with finding the correct words for this story, I did have a nice compliment for what I did read today to the group. One of men in the group said that my writing this story reminded him of Sherwood Anderson's "Winesburg, Ohio" and how Anderson could get inside the heads of his characters. Now, I need to read that book to see what he is talking about. I would imagine I have read it before during all my studies, but I need to be refreshed. Maybe I haven't read the book, I will soon find out.

I know I have missed my self-imposed deadline of April 30th, but I am so close, so close. Last story, half written, all researched, searching for the right words. Working on all. Summer is here and dreams come true. What more can a girl ask for?

Until tomorrow...have a great day

Monday, May 9, 2016

Foods that are Potassium Rich

In my quest to be healthy, items that I am looking at are minerals that I need in my body for it to be able to work at an optimum level. Last Monday, I wrote on magnesium, which I believe through my research is warranted to be discussed with my doctor when I visit him. I know from the foods that I eat, I am not getting enough magnesium in my diet. Also, leading nutritionists say with the American diet, Americans, on a whole, are not getting enough magnesium from the foods they eat.

Potassium is another mineral I wanted to check out because I hear about it all the time. When I first started the research, I thought bananas were a major source of potassium. True, but not as much as other foods.

First, let me say, if you think you need a mineral in your diet, please discuss this with your doctor before starting it without a discussion. Especially potassium. Potassium protects blood vessels from oxidation damage, and it keeps vessel walls from thickening. It is also important for your nerves and muscles. Pretty important, but, and that is a big BUT, too much potassium is dangerous. So beware.

I looked at the foods that are high in potassium (a person needs 4700 mg/day) and I know that I am getting my quota for the day. I do not need this supplement, nor do I need to discuss this with my doctor.

The following foods were compiled from health.com and whfoods.com. These two sites have many more foods on the list if you are interested in investigating further.

1 cup spinach             838 mg
1 sweet potato            694 mg
1/4 c tomato paste      664 mg
1/2 c. beans                600 mg
1 c yogurt                   579 mg (also aids digestion)
1/2 c puree tomatoes  549 mg
3 oz. clams                 534 mg (also has high concentration of Vitamin B12)
1 c beets                     518 mg
3 oz halibut or tuna    500 mg
1 c broccoli                457 mg
1 c cantaloupe            427 mg
1 banana                     400 mg
1 c nonfat milk           382 mg (1% and whole is a little less)
3/4 c orange juice       355 mg
1 c celery                    266 mg
2 c romaine lettuce     232 mg

The above mentioned sites have many more foods listed, but these are just a few. Looking at the food list, if I were to have milk and oj for breakfast, I am good for 737 mg. Then, for mid morning snack, yogurt, now I am up to 1316 mg. For lunch, I might have a salad with romaine lettuce, 1/2 c. broccoli and celery. Now I am up to 2242 and I will throw in a banana at 400 mg so I now have 2642 mg. For dinner I will have a sweet potato, 1/2 c beans, 6 oz halibut and cantaloupe for dessert. Now I have 5363 mg for the day. It was easy for me to get my daily allotment of potassium.

I know I am doing all I can for my blood vessels by eating these foods. Right now, I feel I am doing something right for my body.

Once again, if you want me to research anything to do with health, let me know and I will tell you what I found out and where I found it out so you can go further with your search.

Trivia or jeopardy fans  -- potassium's chemical element with symbol is K, and the atomic number is 19.

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

Friday, May 6, 2016

What Is Age?

I went to stain glass today (still attempting to cut out the pieces of glass for the car) and while there a seasoned glass art person came in with her husband. She and her husband just dropped by, did not intend to work on any pieces.

During the conversation, she came over and looked at my design, and was please with my final drawing. She is the person who guided me to make the car bigger telling me it will be easier to work with the glass pieces if they are bigger. (I worked on the design of the car for 4 months, so I am thrilled that I can now cut out the pieces of glass, although I have already broke a few of the pieces and had to start over). She took the picture of the car to her husband and asked if he knew what car it was by the picture. He knew it to be an Opal. Right!

And that started the "real" conversation. Today is their 49th anniversary, and I asked them how they were going to celebrate. Luncheons, and dinners, and 3 nights on the beach in St. Pete, then they were going to Matlacha, Florida to Leoma Lovegrove's artist gallery. I had not heard of the artist and asked about her. Apparently, she has teamed with Beall's (a department store in Florida) and she makes the funky designs.

They started telling me about her studio and how she paints while she talks with you, and you are wondering what she is painting, and then, lo, behold, it's an eagle, or flamingo, or...

Then they started telling me about the artist -- that she was about our age (retirement age) but painted like a teenager. I have no clue what that means, maybe has to do with the energy level. And she dresses like a young person and bounces like a young person.

I don't know about you, but all I can say is good for Leoma. I'm working on my energy level. I would like to think I dress like a young person, and with all the exercising I am doing, I can do a half bounce like a young person. Anyway, what is age? It's just a number.

I do know that since moving here I do understand that most of these "active" people do not age. Maybe the number goes up, but that is about it. They are in their 80s and 90s, and going strong. Surely stronger than those who sit in front of the tv every day, day in and day out. I had a stepfather who did that in his 60s and 70s, and he just couldn't move that quick. There's one lady in my neighborhood that is in her mid-90s, and every year she goes on a 3-month cruise then comes back and tends to her garden. Another lady just turned 90 and she is out every morning at 9 and volunteers all day and returns home by 7 pm. Now, that's spunk.

And me. I don't know but every day that I am here, I think I am getting younger. I wanna go, go, go, and I do. I feel alive, and maybe that is what age is. It's not the number, it's the aliveness a person feels. So, go Leoma, and go me! Age is just a number, that's it. That's all it is.

I will go to Leoma's gallery and report back when I do. It should be fun.

Have a great weekend...

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Lazy Day

There are days when I do nothing. I mean nothing but piddle. Yesterday was one of those days. I had intentions of going to stain glass (working on cutting out the glass pieces), then I was going to come home and get my writing organized so I can finish the short story this weekend. Oh, I was going to do so much, maybe paint some more seashells, fix a nice dinner, etc., etc., etc.,

What I did do was not much of anything. It was a rainy day here, and I had my stain glass tools in my car, and then the rain came in torrents, and I said to myself, I'm retired. I do not have to do this if I do not want to. And I didn't.

Finished reading The Paris Wife by Paula Mclain. Excellent book. And that was about the size of my day. Did start making more lists. (Remember, I'm a list maker). A list on subjects for this blog, and the other blog I am going to resurrect. A bucket list of places I want to visit in my life. A list of ceramic pieces I want to make. A list of stain glass pieces I want to make. Not a list for the fused glass I want to make, but, oh, I wanted to do that one just a too new art to make a list for. A step-by-step list on what I need to do after this last short story is finished this weekend. Last story. I will have the stories written for my collection of shorts. As I said, I am good at lists. I wonder if there are jobs for list makers?

And I overate. Not by much, but I did. (It was the ice cream). Nothing days are not good for my waist!

Today is another day, though, and I'm ready to go. There's ceramics, working out at the gym, visiting a friend in the hospital, and finally shopping for essentials. I'll be ready to sit down and watch Jeopardy at 7:30!

Until tomorrow...have a great day

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Birthday Party

I had the fortunate opportunity to be invited to a birthday party that was to last for a week. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I could not make it for the week, but I could make it for one day and night. What a party!

The people who invited me were our table mates on the transatlantic cruise from Barcelona. Our table of six had such a good time together that it continued once we were home in Florida, and we were all invited to the 80th birthday party!

It was in Reunion, Florida, outside of Kissimmee, FL, which is near DisneyWorld. People came from all over the world to attend this birthday party as far away as Germany, New Zealand and Brazil. Many, many people were from Canada, and a few from the United States.

What I found is that it is a very small world. Talking with people, one couple was from Green Valley, AZ and they lived down the street from a college roommate of mine. Another knew people from my home town.

The girl from Brazil was gluten free and we started talking on that subject. I said I knew a little about it because I have a friend who is gluten free. She explained that the products she bought here are not readily available in Brazil where she lives. I suggested Amazon.com, and another man looked up the products on Amazon and they could be bought through the site. Now, she has a lead to get products that will help her once she gets back home.

We all spoke English, and those from the foreign countries spoke well enough that we could communicate without problems. I really need to learn more foreign words. I can speak essential Spanish, can read it better, and I know some German words. I should learn more.

During the week, everyone was to take a turn at cooking. One night there were tacos, another there was lasagna, one morning there were pancakes. My condo partners said it was a non-stop eating frenzy.

My time was short, but I can tell you that people do not stop just because of that number on the age scale. The birthday girl turned 80; her husband is 90. And next month they are headed out on a three month trek across the U.S. They never stop. And they always enjoy, and they are welcoming souls.

Great time, great night. A definite time to remember. Happy Birthday Sheila!

Until tomorrow...have a great day!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


When I was 50 years old, I went to a gastroenterologist for my first colonoscopy. That's what everyone says, get your first colonoscopy when 50 for a baseline. There is no colon cancer in the family and I had no need to be concerned about any test results. I also went to a doctor who I knew his family. I felt I was in very good hands.

During the initial visit to introduce myself and get his physical, he asked me some pertinent questions. Can you wear your rings? No, I must be getting fat. Then, he asked me what about your shoe size? I said, you know, my feet are growing. I used to wear a size 7 1/2 and now I wear a 10. Then, he asked, what about your face? I said, you know, when I look in the mirror, my face is changing. He did not alarm me on anything, but he did say that he would like to run a few tests. I said sure.

And I made the date for the first colonoscopy. No sweat, done and all was well.

It was quite a while before he called me in for the tests. He explained to me that no one in the town where I came from heard of the tests he was calling for, so he found it at Mayo Clinic and they had to send it.

After I took the tests, he then told me about acromegaly and according to the tests, I tested positive for it. He said my next step was to see an endocrinologist. He said that his wife was one, but there were many more to choose from. I thought, I'll just stick with the family.

And then I went home and looked up the disease on the internet. I FREAKED. I was going to die and my death would be painful and I would look gruesome.

As time went on, this search was a bad thing to do because of the pictures.

Then, I went to the endocrinologist and she wanted to do a MRI. Okay. According to the person who reads the MRI, he said he saw nothing. She told me that she went down to him and said that I tested positive for acromegaly and he needed to look closer. Lo and Behold, he did find a tumor in my pituitary gland.

That is what acromegaly is -- a benign tumor in the pituitary gland that affects your hormone balance. She explained to me that the hormone in the gland steadily drips and that is normal. When you have acromegaly the drip becomes a swish, then drips then swishes again -- and the cycle continues. What acromegaly does (it affects adults) is that if I was a child I would be a giant because the bones are growing upwards. In acromegaly, because the bones are already formed, they grow outward. A person with acromegaly becomes broader, the forehead droops and the teeth widen. It is what Andre the Giant had, and there is some speculation that Abraham Lincoln had it also. It is rare. She also told me that one fourth of the population, when doing an autopsy, have benign brain tumors but acromegaly is very rare.

From here on, everything happened very fast. Al would not let me freak out any longer and my sister, Jackie, even though she lived 1000 miles away came and together the three of us visited the doctor again and started learning about the disease. I needed to have the tumor removed.

I was scared and didn't want it removed. They would not hear of it. It had to be removed.

I called my insurance company and talked to them. I had a PPO at that time and because the insurance company had never heard of acromegaly, and I wanted to go to another state for the operation, I had their approval. Thank you insurance company.

I had a list of 3 doctors that my sister narrowed down for me, and I called them and interviewed them with questions that the doctor wanted me to ask them.
1. How many or these operations do you do a year? (my doctor wanted the operating doctor to do at least 100/per year. The doctor I chose did over 150/year)
2. How many of these operations have you done in your practice? (The doctor I chose did over 1000 of these)
3 What is your success rate? (The doctor I chose had a 98% success rate.)

There were three of us that were being operated on that day. The man had already gone blind and had diabetes from the disease. The young girl already had an unsuccessful operation for this condition and this was her second.

Me. I was very, very, very lucky. My tumor was in the small stage, like 9 mm, and 1 more mm would put it to the next stage, where it is harder to control the disease.

Before I left the hospital, the man could see and his diabetes was no longer. I don't know about the girl, but I heard she was good, and that someday she would be able to have children.

After the operation and I was back home, I could wear my rings, my shoe size went to an 8 wide, and with a bit of time, my face took on its original shape. The only thing that was permanent happened a few years earlier when my upper teeth were pulled because they started to widen and became too loose. Another sign of the disease. By me telling my dentist about this, he has been able to refer another person to an endocrinologist who was also diagnosed with the same disease.

Today, after 17 years, I am good. The disease did give me arthitis (which led to both of my hips being replaced) and sleep apnea and I never had a menopause, but I am good. I take my blood tests once a year. Check my skin on a daily basis (with acromegaly, you can pull your skin on your hand far from its structure). Freak out if I get a headache. And I thank God everyday that I am okay. That today I can live my dream of writing and traveling and doing my crafts.

So, for me, it is very important to know as much as I can about health. I have a lot more living to do, and I want to do it well.

Once again, if you have any question or want some research on a health issue, let me know. I will get you started on your journey of learning more.

Until tomorrow....have a great day!

Monday, May 2, 2016


I keep hearing about magnesium, and I wondered if I needed some in my diet, so I decided to do a research on this supplement.

I have always had muscle cramps in my legs from when I can remember. People have given me their recommendations for relaxing the cramps, such as drink tonic/quinine water, take potassium, or take zinc to name a few. And then there is magnesium.

First let me emphasize that I do not have a medical degree of any form, but I believe that we as owners of our body need to inform our health professional of any ailments and to ask questions. That is the purpose of this research. Will taking magnesium help me or hurt me? I want a good idea before I discuss this with my doctor because I want him to know that I am informed and I do care about this body of mine.

First, there are the questions of what I put in my body and if they are signs that I may be magnesium deficit: (from www.ancient-minerals.com/magnesium-deficiency/
 -- 1. Do I drink a lot of carbonated beverages? NO. I don't think you can count a Sprite once or twice a month as "a lot".
 -- 2. Do I regularly have sweets? YES. I do like my pastries, and chocolate.
 -- 3. Do I have stress in my life? NO.
 -- 4. Have I had a major surgery? NO.
 -- 5. Do I drink caffeinated drinks daily? NO, but I do drink decaffeinated coffee daily.
 -- 6. Do I take drugs such as for the heart or asthma or birth control? NO.
 -- 7. Do I drink more than seven alcoholic drinks a week? NO.
 -- 8. Do I take calcium supplements without magnesium? NO. I do take calcium supplements and they have magnesium.
 -- 9. Do I feel anxious? NO.
 - 10. Do I have a hard time falling asleep? YES or NO when I take a sleep aid, which is mostly all the time.
 - 11. Do I have a hard time staying asleep? YES and sometimes even with the sleep aid.
 - 12. Do I have muscle spasms/cramping? YES, and even as I write this.
 - 13. Do I have fibromyalgia? NO.
 - 14. Do I have facial tics, eye twitches or involuntary eye movements? SOMETIMES.

So, now I see some of the effects of a magnesium deficiency. What else should I know? I think it is important to know the foods high in magnesium. Think high fiber, high magnesium.
 -- 1. Do I eat legumes? NO.
 -- 2. Do I eat green leafy vegetables, especially spinach, broccoli and brussel sprouts? BROCCOLI only, basically, NO
 -- 3. Do I eat nuts, especially almonds? I do eat nuts and almonds, but not much, so this is a qualified NO.
 -- 4. Do I eat potatoes? YES
 -- 5. Do I eat avocado? NO. Never had one.
 -- 6. Do I eat bananas? SOMETIMES.

Basically, then, my body is not getting much magnesium from the foods I eat. There are other foods, such as fortified cereals and milk which I do eat. But from the list above with the highest level of magnesium, I am failing big time.

Benefits of taking magnesium include (according to www.healthremediesjournal.com):
 -- 1. Helps the immune system.
 -- 2. Helps muscles relax (Oh, yes, I want some of that)
 -- 3. Controls inflammation in the body -- I hear more and more about this inflammation in our body and how it may be the culprit of cancer and heart problems.
 -- 4. Helps absorb calcium in the body, and that helps with bones and osteoporosis.
 -- 5. Helps with energy. (Oh, yes, I want some of that)
 -- 6. Helps manage diabetes
 -- 7. Helps manage migraine headaches
 -- 8. Reduces insomnia
 -- 9. Increases flexibility in the body (Oh, yes, I want some of that)
 - 10. Helps neutralize the body's acidity and alkalinity.
 - 11. Prevents constipation.

For me, that means magnesium would help.

Two other sites that I researched are:
on the top of the page click drugs and supplements,
then, on left side, click, "Find a Vitamin"
then, on left side, click "magnesium" under top supplements.

this site will give you an overview, uses, side effects, interactions (with drugs), and dosing.

The other site I checked out was the NIH (National Institutes of Health)
Go to:
ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/magnesium-Health Professionals/

it has a really good article and lots of good information.

Next time I see my doctor, which will be soon for my yearly physical, I am going to ask him about magnesium. I do think it warrants a discussion and to get his expert advice.

I believe we can not have enough information about medicine and how it affects us. As I said, I am going to talk about health every Monday. If you have a health question, or you just want some research on a topic, let me know, and I will research it for you and write about it, maybe lead you in the right direction.

I am going to continue this health discussion tomorrow and tell you why I think it is so important to know all you can about vitamins, supplements, symptoms and anything to do with health.

Until then...have a great day!