Thursday, May 26, 2016

I'm Changing

I guess there is only one thing you can be sure of in this world, and that is change.

I started this blog with only three goals -- to do crafts, write, and travel. But, I know I am changing my goals. Yes, I will continue to do the crafts until I have finished all the pieces I have started and the pieces that I want. I figure that should take me a couple of years. But, and that is a big BUT, writing seems to be coming to the forefront.

Yes, I have finished writing all the short stories, but now I have to rewrite the last one before I send it to the editor. She is my first step after writing. There are many more steps before I publish, and I will take you on that journey with me when I start it, which is only weeks away.

There is more than writing fiction, although that is my first love. I am also interested in genealogy, and I am soon going to start another line, the English line. (as soon as the book goes to press). I still want to travel to Germany and Switzerland to see how far back I can trace my father's paternal side. While I am there, I should go and see where my mother's family is from. She was 2nd or 3rd generation American, and I know that a cousin has already linked my mother's side to Germany. I do have some names of relatives there. But, I am very interested in my father's maternal side. That is the side I am going to investigate.

Yes, there will be stories from what I know and what I will know.

Which leads me to one idea that I am toying with. Since I do a lot of research, enjoy writing, and have my hands in genealogy, I am thinking hard on starting a business of Personal Historian. I would interview people who would like me to write their history, and do as much research on their family as they want, then, with their help we would go through pictures and I would then compile all the information into a book of their personal history. I think I would really enjoy doing this for others, because I love doing it for myself. And it is right in line to the type of fiction writing I do. Mostly my short stories are considered historical fiction because I have taken a period of time and centered my character around the happenings of that time.

So, the crafts would be replaced when I am finished with my list of wants and to dos.

The other thing I am thinking about doing is taking Ballroom Dancing Lessons. I have always loved to dance, and was quite good at Disco in my day! I wonder if I would be good at this. That is altogether different, isn't it!

I simply know that my world is changing, still in chapter 14, not life changes, but changes on what interests I am developing.

Of course there will be travel. Soon, the time is coming closer, I will be taking you to Seattle and Alaska with me. I can't wait to see the glaciers. I am now the new owner of a pink rain poncho for the trip!

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

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