Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Feeling Off-Kilter With Sleep Inertia

I knew I was going to be away from my blog for a few days last week, as I told you I wouldn't be available on Friday. I was not available on Monday either, but I figured I would be going full speed ahead on Tuesday. Then, the oddest thing happened.

First, I did not feel well Monday night, but I did not think much of it.

Then, I had a great night sleep Monday night -- 9 1/2 hours of it. But within 10 minutes of being awake, I couldn't come out of sleep. I felt like I had been drugged. I don't normally take drugs, but Monday I did take an antihistamine for allergies, the non-drowsy type. Other than that occasional pill, I do not take medicine, so I knew it was not medicine related. But, all day, I could not wake up. I stayed awake, walked around the house like a zombie, ate some food, looked at myself in the mirror and saw this extremely tired looking person looking back at me. Slits for eyes. Hair a mess. I shuffled away from that mirror fast.

I was like that all day. By the time I went to bed at 11 last night, I was beyond tired.

Then, I woke up this morning after my usual 7 1/2-8 hours of sleep, and even though I felt a bit off-kilter, I was functionable.

Today was my massage, and as I was telling this to my masseuse, she said she has felt like that all week. What is going on? She thought it was due to the ocean and stars alignment. I, personally, have no clue. I just think I got stuck in the sleep mode.

So, I looked up what was happening on the internet, and there is something called "sleep inertia" when you wake up in SWS (slow wave sleep). It was suppose to go away after 1-4 hours, mine lasted a good 12 hours or a full day if you want to count the other hours I slept. I know I do not like the feeling, I don't know what it feels like being drugged, but I do not like it.

With that in mind, I am back. Awake, not wide-awake, but awake and raring to go. And now I know that I can get stuck in the sleep mode. Sleep inertia. Maybe I simply slept too long Monday night.

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

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