Thursday, May 5, 2016

Lazy Day

There are days when I do nothing. I mean nothing but piddle. Yesterday was one of those days. I had intentions of going to stain glass (working on cutting out the glass pieces), then I was going to come home and get my writing organized so I can finish the short story this weekend. Oh, I was going to do so much, maybe paint some more seashells, fix a nice dinner, etc., etc., etc.,

What I did do was not much of anything. It was a rainy day here, and I had my stain glass tools in my car, and then the rain came in torrents, and I said to myself, I'm retired. I do not have to do this if I do not want to. And I didn't.

Finished reading The Paris Wife by Paula Mclain. Excellent book. And that was about the size of my day. Did start making more lists. (Remember, I'm a list maker). A list on subjects for this blog, and the other blog I am going to resurrect. A bucket list of places I want to visit in my life. A list of ceramic pieces I want to make. A list of stain glass pieces I want to make. Not a list for the fused glass I want to make, but, oh, I wanted to do that one just a too new art to make a list for. A step-by-step list on what I need to do after this last short story is finished this weekend. Last story. I will have the stories written for my collection of shorts. As I said, I am good at lists. I wonder if there are jobs for list makers?

And I overate. Not by much, but I did. (It was the ice cream). Nothing days are not good for my waist!

Today is another day, though, and I'm ready to go. There's ceramics, working out at the gym, visiting a friend in the hospital, and finally shopping for essentials. I'll be ready to sit down and watch Jeopardy at 7:30!

Until tomorrow...have a great day

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