Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Birthday Party

I had the fortunate opportunity to be invited to a birthday party that was to last for a week. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I could not make it for the week, but I could make it for one day and night. What a party!

The people who invited me were our table mates on the transatlantic cruise from Barcelona. Our table of six had such a good time together that it continued once we were home in Florida, and we were all invited to the 80th birthday party!

It was in Reunion, Florida, outside of Kissimmee, FL, which is near DisneyWorld. People came from all over the world to attend this birthday party as far away as Germany, New Zealand and Brazil. Many, many people were from Canada, and a few from the United States.

What I found is that it is a very small world. Talking with people, one couple was from Green Valley, AZ and they lived down the street from a college roommate of mine. Another knew people from my home town.

The girl from Brazil was gluten free and we started talking on that subject. I said I knew a little about it because I have a friend who is gluten free. She explained that the products she bought here are not readily available in Brazil where she lives. I suggested, and another man looked up the products on Amazon and they could be bought through the site. Now, she has a lead to get products that will help her once she gets back home.

We all spoke English, and those from the foreign countries spoke well enough that we could communicate without problems. I really need to learn more foreign words. I can speak essential Spanish, can read it better, and I know some German words. I should learn more.

During the week, everyone was to take a turn at cooking. One night there were tacos, another there was lasagna, one morning there were pancakes. My condo partners said it was a non-stop eating frenzy.

My time was short, but I can tell you that people do not stop just because of that number on the age scale. The birthday girl turned 80; her husband is 90. And next month they are headed out on a three month trek across the U.S. They never stop. And they always enjoy, and they are welcoming souls.

Great time, great night. A definite time to remember. Happy Birthday Sheila!

Until tomorrow...have a great day!

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