Friday, May 27, 2016

Living A Purpose-Filled Life

I call them goals, goals that are ever changing and evolving. Some people say that what I perceive as goals are lives filled with purpose. A slight difference but basically the same meaning.

My goals give me a headway to have a purpose for that day, that week, that month, that year. I need to sometime see instantaneous results, so some of my goals can be filled that day or that hour, such as today my goal was to sort and purge paperwork. Done. Writing this blog is instantaneous as soon as I hit the "publish" button. Then, there are weekly goals -- goals I want to see finished by the end of the week, such as walking 10,000 steps three times a week. That is also a continual goal. Or, there are goals that might take me more than a week but no more than a month, such as some of my craft projects. Then, there are the long-range goals. Here is my writing, although my goal has been modified to complete this last short story by the end of the weekend. There is no instant gratification in writing, believe me. It is long and as soon as I think I am satisfied, I want to change the story in some way. Writing is a never-ending story.

With the goals come purpose. I have purpose to get out of bed because of my goals. I have always had goals, probably always will. So, I do believe my life is purpose-filled. I find purpose in smiling and saying a simple "hi" to the people I meet in a day: I find purpose in dreaming about the life to come, the one that I am creating today, hour by hour: I find purpose in changing the stereotype of seeing the retired as "old" -- we are young, vibrant, starting new businesses, traveling, volunteering, learning languages and new ideas, taking care of our health, helping the younger children raise their children as they work the long hours. The list is endless because we are endless.

Also, when I live that purpose-filled life, I know I am helping myself live longer. Rush University Medical Center in Chicago has found that people who have purpose in their life do live longer.

I am not for certain I want to live to be 100, but if I am still motivated to get up and go, I might. I just read one article where a lady at the age of 97 gives yoga classes on a weekly basis and she is a winner of ballroom dancing competitions. At 97! And she doesn't look a day over 60 by the photo.

Dick Van Dyke said in an interview that he continually learns. Right now his passion is learning about 3-D animation on his computer. And he dances and sings his way through the day. Bet there are a few laughs thrown in.

Me -- I have a notebook filled with what I want to accomplish in this life. I have one huge goal that drives me every day. It is my goal, my purpose, and I want to finish that purpose. I want to see it materialize and then thrive.

Until Monday...have a great weekend.

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