Monday, May 9, 2016

Foods that are Potassium Rich

In my quest to be healthy, items that I am looking at are minerals that I need in my body for it to be able to work at an optimum level. Last Monday, I wrote on magnesium, which I believe through my research is warranted to be discussed with my doctor when I visit him. I know from the foods that I eat, I am not getting enough magnesium in my diet. Also, leading nutritionists say with the American diet, Americans, on a whole, are not getting enough magnesium from the foods they eat.

Potassium is another mineral I wanted to check out because I hear about it all the time. When I first started the research, I thought bananas were a major source of potassium. True, but not as much as other foods.

First, let me say, if you think you need a mineral in your diet, please discuss this with your doctor before starting it without a discussion. Especially potassium. Potassium protects blood vessels from oxidation damage, and it keeps vessel walls from thickening. It is also important for your nerves and muscles. Pretty important, but, and that is a big BUT, too much potassium is dangerous. So beware.

I looked at the foods that are high in potassium (a person needs 4700 mg/day) and I know that I am getting my quota for the day. I do not need this supplement, nor do I need to discuss this with my doctor.

The following foods were compiled from and These two sites have many more foods on the list if you are interested in investigating further.

1 cup spinach             838 mg
1 sweet potato            694 mg
1/4 c tomato paste      664 mg
1/2 c. beans                600 mg
1 c yogurt                   579 mg (also aids digestion)
1/2 c puree tomatoes  549 mg
3 oz. clams                 534 mg (also has high concentration of Vitamin B12)
1 c beets                     518 mg
3 oz halibut or tuna    500 mg
1 c broccoli                457 mg
1 c cantaloupe            427 mg
1 banana                     400 mg
1 c nonfat milk           382 mg (1% and whole is a little less)
3/4 c orange juice       355 mg
1 c celery                    266 mg
2 c romaine lettuce     232 mg

The above mentioned sites have many more foods listed, but these are just a few. Looking at the food list, if I were to have milk and oj for breakfast, I am good for 737 mg. Then, for mid morning snack, yogurt, now I am up to 1316 mg. For lunch, I might have a salad with romaine lettuce, 1/2 c. broccoli and celery. Now I am up to 2242 and I will throw in a banana at 400 mg so I now have 2642 mg. For dinner I will have a sweet potato, 1/2 c beans, 6 oz halibut and cantaloupe for dessert. Now I have 5363 mg for the day. It was easy for me to get my daily allotment of potassium.

I know I am doing all I can for my blood vessels by eating these foods. Right now, I feel I am doing something right for my body.

Once again, if you want me to research anything to do with health, let me know and I will tell you what I found out and where I found it out so you can go further with your search.

Trivia or jeopardy fans  -- potassium's chemical element with symbol is K, and the atomic number is 19.

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

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