Tuesday, May 31, 2016

They Call it Decluttering -- I Call it Purging

I woke up one day last week and I couldn't take it any longer. I had to get rid of the piles of papers, magazines and newspapers I had all over the house. I had to. It was like I was a slave to the paper. I spent the entire day going through each piece of paper, each magazine, each newspaper. And after an entire day, 95% was done. Of course, I still have one pile and one stack of magazines. The International Travel Magazines. The one pile will be gone someday soon. Still haven't figured out what "soon" means, but soon.

Now I am on a roll. I got out all my shoes, and now they are all over the bedroom floor. I am wearing each pair and if for any reason, I don't like the feel on my feet or toes, out they go. Someone out there, you are going to get new shoes. One of them is a Birkenstock, so get ready....Still have more shoes to try on and wear for at least a half a day. This project should take me into next week.

Why have all this "stuff" if I do not use it. Simply, I do not want it any longer. Less to care for, less to dust, less to look messy.

After the story is finished (I'm rewriting the last two scenes of the last story -- the end is in sight!), I am going to do the same with my beloved purses. This time, though, I am going to sell them on e-bay or amazon. I have fantastic Kate Spades and Michael Kors and Coach that I have never used. Not once, still have the price tags on. Don't need them, don't want them.

Actually, the reason for the purse downsizing is some are just too heavy. It started with my favorite green Ralph Lauren purse, and as I travel I needed to use it because it is my favorite, but it gets heavy. Too heavy as I load it up with more papers and maybe a pair of flip flops (of course in a bag). So, I want to travel light -- it's time to let go. But the green Ralph Lauren stays. Can't part with that purse, no matter how heavy it gets.

After the purses, there are more items to sell. I just want to get rid of the "stuff". I figure pretty soon I will be footloose and fancy free -- like I was in college. I could pack all my "stuff" in one car and be gone. Outta here.

Now, isn't that a nice idea. No strings, no obligations, no responsibilities. Just flow where the day takes me. Okay, I'm dreaming on that one, but I can definitely travel through this life's journey a lot lighter.

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

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