Friday, January 22, 2016

Celine Dion

Today, Celine Dion buries her husband; tomorrow, she buries her brother. My heart feels her pain as she goes through the motions and emotions of today, tomorrow and the days that follow. Her journey is the same as mine, as the same as anyone who has felt a great loss, whether through death or divorce. Somewhere, somehow we survivors forge ahead to make a new life, like my ancestors did when they moved from Europe to the New World, like so many before me, and now, what I am attempting to do. To make a new life, a Chapter 14 in my book of life.

Somewhere along the line of healing it dawned on me that we are all broken. We walk the sidewalks, we laugh, we play, we work, we talk to others, we sit quietly to pray or meditate, we live a life; and yet, we are broken. Our hearts have been broken through loss -- loss of a missed opportunity, a failed loved, chances never given, talent never appreciated, divorce from one who is still loved, death. Then, we go on.

There are people I have met in life who do not go on, they are stuck in that scene. They keep reading the same script over and over, not wanting to let go of what was, not understanding that what was will always be, because that scene, that person, that idea is what we are. We can not change how we have developed our life, how we have lived our chapters. We carry everything with us, and we learn to let go of the negative, to put it in the back of a filing drawer; and we learn to cherish the good, to keep it in the front drawer where we can pull it out when we need a smile, a chuckle, a warm feeling.

Celine Dion will go back on stage in Las Vegas in February. Her heart may fill the pain, but the face will be brave, and with patience she will persevere. She will not be the same person she was before today, but she will continue. She has her work, and she will build from that.

That is what I am doing with my goals. I found in Chapter 13 that I needed to work, and that is my intentions in Chapter 14. Only now, I do not get paid for the work I do, it is for the love of work -- the writing, the researching, the painting, the glass creations. I am who I always was, and really, really, I love the life I am making. I am doing exactly what I want to do. Yes, I am alone, and some days I feel the aloneness, but most days I am too busy to feel it because I am working towards fulfilling my goals -- the crafts, the writing, the travels.

And as soon as I learn how to transfer the pictures from my phone to the pc, I will be able to share those parts of my life. The class is set for Monday, but the Samsung guy told me what to try to get it to work.

If I can get the pictures to work, I will be posting about Busch Gardens tomorrow; otherwise, Monday.

Until then, have a great day....

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