Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Picture Saga continues

The instructor said all I had to do was go home, pull up photos on google and all my photos would be there. NOT! And so I continue. I'll bet you one thing. Once I get this to work, I bet I'll never forget it. The iphone was so easy to get my photos from. All I had to do was plug in my phone to the pc, and a prompt opened asking what I wanted. So far, I have been given instructions from the phone and that didn't work, and then it was explained, no that wouldn't work. Now, I have gone to a class, and have all the pictures in one spot on my phone, but I still can't get the pictures to come up on my pc. I guess there will be more phone calls, more driving to the nearest Best Buy, more instructions...

On another note, I had my writer's meeting today. There were 20 aspiring authors reading their work. Actually, a few were better than good.

Most of us have had to live a life outside of what we really wanted to do -- write -- to pay bills and put food on the table. We are the lucky ones, we have lived long enough and have been able to retire from the daily grind of making a living to pursue dreams of long ago. I am happy to be among that group. I feel that I have made it!

It may be true that I worked as a journalist and editor, but that was not my creative writing, of making stories from people I met for maybe a minute, of making stories from conversations I heard, or of making stories from "feelings" I received from situations and events. Coupled with my interview powers and editorial marks, I can now tell the stories I have collected in the recesses of my mind.

What am I working on? I am starting with a collection of short stories. Most are light, one or two fantasy, and a few dark and deep. And I am nearing the end. I should have all the stories written, edited, sent to an editor for a second set of eyes, and rewritten as necessary by the end of April. Then, on to self-publishing. I do not know much about that, but I will be learning, and I will pass the information along as I learn. I do know that many people in my writing group have published, and most people are willing to show me the ropes. I am excited. This is what this chapter of my life is all about.

And it is beginning to appear that learning how to put the photos from my phone to the pc is another part of Chapter 14. I am really hoping that it is only a paragraph of my chapter.

Until tomorrow....have a great day.

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