Friday, January 29, 2016

On Men

My father died when I was 8, so I grew up without a male figure in my life. Couple that with not having brothers, and I didn't understand a lot about the male species until I was much older. They always fascinated me, the male brand, and I wanted to learn all about them. I did. Through my friend's brothers, fathers, then my male friends, my brother-in-laws, and eventually my Al. They all had a hand in shaping what I learned about men.

One of the biggest things I learned about men is that when they fall in love, really fall in love, they do not do well if that woman leaves them.

I have watched men get divorced and get stuck in their lives because they still love that one woman. They may go on, they may succeed, but most of the time, I have watched them stagnate, settle. For those closest to me, I urge them to take another step, to see another, to move, to change, to get out of their comfort zone and simply date.

Men who are widowed, who have lost their wife to death, do move on. It may take them a while, but most of them do find another to spend their life with. They are different from the divorced man.

Also, most men do not like change. So, I have met those men who are not in good relationships, who do not feel loved or even cared about, but they will not leave the situation on their own. They would rather sit alone in a cave than move to a room. Most men are just like that. Just try to get them to move the furniture let alone their body from the cave.

Men like to wear their favorite shirt, sit on their favorite chair, and watch their favorite program. Women need to wear many shirts, sit on the sofa, chair, anywhere; and multi-task while watching tv. Then, when man and woman mate, woman will make the man wear more than his favorite shirt, will make them go shopping and to the movies and walk in the park or look at books at Barnes and Noble, and together they watch their favorite program sitting side by side on the sofa -- sometimes.

Take that scenario from the man through divorce and he falls back to his favorite shirt, his favorite chair, and his favorite program. I've seen it time and time again.

Men, ya gotta love 'em.....they are different from the woman brand, but ya gotta love 'em.....

Have a great weekend. Until then...

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