Tuesday, June 14, 2016

There Is Life After the Story

As I said, last Thursday at 8:30 p.m. I finished the last story for the collection of short stories. I spent Friday with four longtime friends, and we talked and laughed for nearly 3 hours at a restaurant (yes, we tipped the waitress exceedingly well). We had such a good time that people would come up to us and ask how we knew each other. We said we had known each other for over 50 years -- we shared many a story together during those years.

But, that was Friday. My days and nights have been consumed with writing the stories or thinking about the next scene to write for a very long time, and now I am freed from the stories. The stories have been told. So, now what?

I do want to take a bit of a break  (maybe a week) before I start the corrections/rewrites, and also start outlining the first in a series of books I have in my head. So, what did I do. I went to the library Saturday. This is the first time I have been to the library in this town, and I must say, I am impressed. I signed up for my card.

My, how libraries have changed. This is part of the Hillsborough County Library System, and here you can rent videos. Also, you can rent audio books (the attendant said this was a big seller as people listen to books on their way to and from work). You can even rent cds, and listen to the music anytime, anywhere. They had from rock 'n roll to gospel to jazz and country. In other words, anything can be found there.

They had many stations where a person could use their computers to research or simply check your email or facebook.
Notice in the back, the sign -- genealogy. This entire room is devoted to genealogy research. They have a genealogist who works a couple of mornings a week and helps the novice research the family tree. I will definitely take advantage of this room. I also spent a good hour in this room on Saturday.

Finally, my love. Books. There was an adequate selection, but I would imagine the majority are housed in the library in Tampa. I need to visit it one day. Of course, if there is a certain book that I am looking for they can order it for me from the system and I can pick it up at this library. Notice, too, the desks. I have decided as I start the series of books, I am going to set aside days to write outside the house (I just need to get out of the house a bit while I am writing), and I believe this is one place where I am going to get well known. And I will know it well.

More exploring of Florida is on the list. Will keep you updated on places around Florida I have visited so you may want to check them out when you visit Florida. Then again, you can ask me any question about Florida, and if I know the answer I will share. And if I don't know the answer, I will try my darndest to find the answer.

Until tomorrow...have a great day

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