Friday, February 5, 2016

A Blow Off Day

I do have days when I do little to nothing. Today is one of those days. I was to be so productive today -- rewrites, making a pattern for the car I want to start in stain glass, painting shells, cleaning, etc., etc., etc. Instead, I went through paper work, and then I procrastinated away the day by scrolling the internet.

Have you ever wanted to do background checks on everyone you can think of? Well, that is what I did today. What did I find? First, a lot of the information was not current. Shoot, I was living at the correct address, but they had Al living where we lived in 1998. And they did not have that he was deceased. The other thing I found out was one person (actually a child when I knew her) was in prison. Looks like drugs and alcohol. Sad. A little girl I used to babysit. I wonder what went wrong. Maybe I should write a story about that.

I really don't think it is a good idea for me to dig for people's whereabouts and what they have been doing. I know that after everyone died and I was wandering, I went on the internet and plugged in every person I knew or could think of. I learned that most had died. Quit doing that.

Now, I guess I can quit the background checks. There is no reason why I need to check on anyone. Those days are far behind me. And now I know that sometimes bad things happen to people I thought were going to have a good life.

It's fun to write a (what I call) whimsical story where people end up living happily ever after, but that is really not the case in real life. We have our ups and downs, and hopefully, we end on the up side, but some people end on the down side. The real stories are when a character hits bottom and brings him/herself up and starts over. That is a story.

When I write, all my stories start with someone or some scenario that I have been exposed to. Then, my imagination starts and I write.

If anyone is interested in reading one of my stories that will be published in the book of shorts, just comment or let me know somehow and I will print it here for one of my postings.

Until Monday...Have a great day.

(And don't party too much on Super Bowl Sunday!)

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