Tuesday, February 16, 2016


It has been a couple of years since I visited this drive-through animal park in Williams, Arizona, outside of Flagstaff. My nephew was driving cross-country to Arizona and California with his kids and asked if I wanted to come along. Al and my mother had recently died so I said yes, but that I would meet them in Arizona. From Illinois to Arizona is about a 33 hour drive. I did that once, and once is enough for me, so I took a train ride.

I was on the train for one night and four meals. It was quite a ride! I purchased a sleeper, and so glad I was alone because I have no clue how anyone else could fit in the tiny space. For lounging, yes; for sleeping, no. The porter prepared the seats for the bed, which was okay for a night's sleep, but the second person would have to sleep in the upper bunk, and to this day, I have no clue how any adult would get in the upper berth. Someone said there were places where you could put your foot on the wall, but how in the world, once you got up there, would you get down in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom down the hall! My room was on the lower level.

The action took place on the second level. That is where the dining car is and the observation car. Great, great time, and met some really interesting people. One evening, I sat with two ladies from London, who said they taught at a university there. I knew they wanted a heated political discussion about socialism vs. democracy. I was not in a mood for a debate, so as soon as the meal was over, I left. The other dinner where I shared a table with guests was much better. We were from different parts of the country and we talked about travel, things to see and share. No one was looking for a heavy discussion.

In the observation lounge, when we were in New Mexico, a man entered the car and started giving us history about the area. We learned about Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp. But what I observed was how desolate and sometimes poor our land is "Out West". We would go for miles and miles of nothing but tumbleweed and dirt. It was not at all what I expected.

Then, the second evening (really 11 pm) I was dropped off in the middle of no where in Williams, Arizona. We were about 4 hours late, so I could not see where we were, I just knew there was not a depot and if no one was there to pick me up, I would be waiting with the coyotes. My nephew was there.

We went to the Grand Canyon (took the train to the lodge) and an art festival outside of Flagstaff. But the highlight for me after the art festival was Bearizona.

We bought the drive through package, which meant we stayed in our car and spotted the animals as we drove through the park.

 These two pictures show buffalo roaming free. The top picture shows white buffalo, and the bottom buffaloes are the brown ones we are used to seeing in the westerns.

These are mountain goats just hanging out.

Here you see why we could not get out of the car. The bears walked where we drove. Sometimes they would stop and look at us, but basically they roamed the land, thinking they owned it! They do.

After the drive through, there was an area where we could walk around and watch the bears.

Here the cubs are eating lunch and, of course, napping after their food.

And there was a lot of bear climbing in this part of the park. When I looked high in the trees, bears were everywhere. It was fun to watch them climb, and then get down.

A great couple of hours to spend with nature and animals. Would do it again. I have also learned since our trip west, that not far from there, in Verde, Arizona, there is an Out of Africa Wildlife Park. I imagine it is similar to Busch Gardens.

Looking back at the pictures, the year was 2012. Nearly four years ago, and I remember parts of it like it was yesterday. That is how I know the time was good. Memories never go away, like I remember my second trip to London in the 1980s as if it was yesterday.

For me, I think I am doing this living thing right.

Until tomorrow...have a great day!

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