Friday, February 12, 2016

Wrapping Up the Ceramic Week

Didn't do what was on my list today. I was going to go to the other ceramic group I joined and start another project there, but I was lazy, and took my time this morning. I took a friend to lunch for her birthday. She wanted to go to a German restaurant, so that is where we went. It is nice to meet someone new and share life secrets. And that is what happened as she reminisced her past years. We concluded that we are all screwed up, and we all are dysfunctional, so we are pretty happy that we are in this life together and everyone in this world is screwed up and dysfunctional together. We are not alone!

I am just happy that I have lived long enough to see dreams come true. I am living in Florida again! I lived in Florida once before when I was young, fresh out of college, but the pay was exceptionally low ($2.15/hour) and I did not last long. I am back. So, I am happy. And I am doing exactly what I want -- crafts, writing, and traveling.

Thought I would end the week showing the ceramic project I have started

This is the first painting for this tea pot. It will be a gift when all is finished.

And here I have added the brown branches. Next week, more browns, then I will add the colored flowers.

This weekend is writing; rather, rewriting. And, I need to make the stain glass pattern for the car. I really need to start that so it will be finished by Christmas.

I leave you with a Florida sunset

Until Monday...have a great weekend

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