Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Writing Club

The writing club meets every Tuesday from 2-4 p.m. The group is anywhere between 10 and 25 members who show up to read or to listen and give comments. These people are very interesting and have lived very interesting lives. Alvin has had a number of occupations, including producer for Broadway plays, notably The Folies Bergere. I wrote about his book Loss of Innocents previously, which deals with white slavery in England in the late 19th century. I have read the book, and it is fascinating considering it is factual.

Today, he was reading about the production of the Folies and how the showgirls were brought from Europe. Going into much detail about the extent of the production side of the show, he brought up how the European girls became lonely because they had no male suitors. Supposedly, no American male would make a date with these girls.

Now, another member of the group pipes in that the reason is because the Americans had been given the word that white slavery was very much a concern, and no one would touch the European girls for fear of being arrested. Alvin said no, no, that was not it. And he continued to read.

Fast forward to the end of the meeting when the other member (she is new so I haven't caught her name yet) goes to Alvin and said, yes, yes. I overheard her telling him she was working with the FBI at that time, and they had made arrests for that exact thing. Oh, what webs we weave. What tales we tell.

My head is screaming, story line, story line.....I can work this in somewhere in one of my stories some time.

Then there is Charlotte. We are awaiting her return from Cambodia. She has been there for the past four months helping out. She is another fascinating person. She has spent the most of her career working for the World Health Organization as a nurse. Previously, she read a lot about her experiences in Papua New Guinea. Ah, isn't that were cannibalism is practiced? So, her friends working in Cambodia wanted to take a vacation, and they called on her to step into their role for them to have a vacation. I believe she extended her stay, because I am told she loves that part of the world.

Then, there is another member who has a son who is an Anglican priest living in England, married to a Muslim. Now, that is different. And another new lady who is giving us an account of a group of friends on a houseboat in southern France when the country experienced the greatest storm in 20 years! Oh my, what an experience, and she has just started the journey with soggy mattress and all. Then there is another man who is writing about experiences with angels. His experiences with angels.

And, as one lady said, I come to get inspired. So do I, so do I.

Until tomorrow...have a great day!

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