Monday, February 22, 2016


I've been writing all weekend; rather, rewriting. So, I'm in that mode. Thinking about stories, story lines, characters, sceneries, the gamut. Then there is the title, book cover, ISBN number, how in the world do I self publish. (I will take you on this journey as I start to learn how to self publish). I have already met with a man from my writer's group who has given my pointers on marketing. It will be a full time job to get the book out.

What amazes me is that I can sit down to work on a scene or a rewrite and when I look up, five, six or seven hours have gone by.

The book of shorts is nearly complete. I have some stories to my editor, who is amazing. She has taught me so much. One of my flaws is that I start to tell the story, then switch voice. That's what rewriting is all about. I have gotten to know my flaws, then work through them. Besides the editor, I have stories to a reader. This person is a ferocious reader, and I trust that she will spot when the work does not flow. One thing I do not want to happen in this book is for someone to be reading it, then there is an error and the flow stops. They are little things like calling a street a road. The reader saw this and said the connotation for a road is country and a street is city. It's those little things. I am going to call another person I know who is a reader and ask her if she would like to take a look at my stories.

As I am always talking about writing, people ask me where I get my ideas. They just come. Maybe I remember a scene from childhood or my younger years and that works into my writing somewhere. Or, maybe there is a person I have met or have known in my life and that person with his/her characteristics work into my writings somewhere.

I already have ideas to make one of my shorts into a novel. Did you know that a novel should be approximately 100,000 words. Oh my! But I think I can do it if I look at it in small steps. Chapters instead of the entire 100,000 words.

I do know that as this Chapter 14 of my life develops, writing will take an integral part of it. I am so tickled that I have lived long enough and am in good health to follow my dreams. I am a very lucky girl.

Until tomorrow....have a great day!

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