Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Talk in Ceramics Today

The ladies today were busy cleaning, painting, and selecting their next piece of ceramics to paint.

Here, a lady is starting to clean the deer she purchased.

Three of the most common tools we use to clean the greenware are shown below. Shown to the left, the lady is using the lower tool to scrape the rough edges from the greenware deer. We use the filing tool to smooth the scraped edges. The brush-like tool is used to file away spots in hard to reach places. You can also use your finger and water to smooth rough edges, but when you do this, you can not work the greenware until after it dries. The lady below has a cup of water handy for this technique.

This piece is molded as a harvest wreath. Believe me, when this piece is finished, it will be beautiful. The lady who has started this is really a master, and her pieces are absolutely gorgeous.

These are the three most common tools when cleaning greenware. Notice we also clean the greenware on foam to give the piece cushion, and also to contain the dust.

During lunch today we were talking about the size and cost of food. What we have noticed through the years is the size of food products shrinking. Previously to today, product size shrunk, but the prices remained about the same. What we are noticing now is that prices are rising and products are shrinking more. I told them that the first item I quit buying was the candy bar when they started to shrink and the price started rising. The last I remembered was the candy bar selling for 79 cents. Mary Ann said that today some places sell those candy bars for $1.09. I guess I am behind times.

I am horrified when I go to the grocery story and see a dozen eggs for over $4. Before I left Illinois
 ( about 18 months ago) I could find a dozen eggs for 99 cents to $1.29.  Someone else has noticed that 1/2 gallon of ice cream is no longer 1/2 gallon. It is (I think she said) 2 1/2 pints. Bread is ridiculous at being over $3 or $4 a loaf. And yesterday when I went into the grocery store, one apple was $2.

At least I am not the only person who has noticed the way food products are being shifted. I have also noted while going into grocery stores that shelves are bare. Maybe I am going at the wrong time, but last time I went, there were many bare shelves. Many.

I know with the product shrinkage and the price increase, they have made me rethink how I buy food. The junk food is a rarity because I know it is empty calories and you get so little for so much. I would rather make my own treats. Bread is going by the way side. Haven't bought a loaf in a while, and won't unless if I have company who spends the night. Ice cream is bought on sale, and eggs, well, I need my eggs. So, there are products I will spend the money for even though the price is way to high.

I guess I can say times are changin'...

Until tomorrow...have a great day.

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