Tuesday, March 22, 2016


The Rock of Gibraltar is a huge limestone rock jutting from earth for all to see from miles away.

Gibraltar, itself, is a tiny (2.6 square mile) land surrounded by Spain, the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea. It is under the British Crown, and according to the tour guide, Great Britain's Royalty have not toured the grounds for 50 years.

I found it small and weather-beaten. Riding on the bus through town the buildings needed a good scrape and paint job, and I can truly understand that due to its location. Even though we did not get off the bus on our way to tea and a stop at The Rock, I noticed the buildings were all together, and the sidewalk was narrow and by the road. I felt claustrophobic and I was not even walking on the streets.

Afternoon tea was a delight. We sat at tables of 10 and enjoyed tea, small sandwiches and scones. A wonderful way to enjoy the day.

After the tea, we took a ride to a lookout point.There were many ships in this harbor due to being able to gas up before heading to the open sea.

I really enjoyed watching the numerous ships with tugs and without going into and out of the harbor.

 What would a harbor be without a lighthouse?

This is the lookout point area. On one side there was The Rock with a Mosque in the foreground (to the right)

And below is the scene looking into the Mediterranean. On a clear day the tour guide said you could see Africa as it is only 9 miles from Gibraltar. And our day was clear, so in the horizon, I did see Africa! (see below)

But what I thought amazing, and probably the only place in the world this happens is the airport's landing strip. It is in the middle of a road! Or maybe I should say the road is in the middle of the landing strip.

Since I want to see everything I can in this world -- see how people live, how they act, who they are -- I am glad that I saw Gibraltar, but I do not need to go back. There are too many other places I want to see, or revisit such as Barcelona and Malaga.

Tomorrow, to Portugal

Until then...have a good day!

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