Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I'm Going to Blame the Snowbirds for the Ants in my Pants

With all the snowbirds leaving, I want to go some place. It's not that I don't have a few trips planned, but I want to go now. Those darn ants in my pants....

We are such a mobile society and it seems that the world is becoming more and more mobile as time goes by.

What most of us want are blue skies. That is one major reason snowbirds leave the north for the south (besides weather). Skies are blue nearly every day in the south; in the north, grey days abound.

But, I have the blue skies. Nearly every day.

Then, there must be other reasons why I feel I need to be on the go. Remember, if I could figure out how to travel most of my days, I would. In reality, though, I know that would be too much for me. To sell everything like some people do, and just go. No, I need roots somewhere, somewhere to go home to. To hang my hat for a day or two or maybe that would be a week or two. But then, I would be ready to go again.

So, I could snowbird. To Costa del Sol, in Spain. To an island in the Caribbean. To California. To Mexico (no, not Mexico. That country scares me with the drug lords). To Thailand (exotic). To Uruguay (the Switzerland of South America). I must remember that south of the equator their summers are our winters and vice versa. So, Australia. I wonder what it would be like to winter in Greece?

I have my bucket list, and it simply expands all the time. There is China (gotta see the Terracotta Warriors), Petra (I have wanted to go there for a long time now), an African photo safari when the wildebeests migrate, Machu Picchu, Montreal, St. Petersburg, Russia, (might as well go on the trans-siberian railroad), the cherry blossoms in Kyoto and in Washington D.C., Iceland, (I want to go there and possibly see the Aurora Borealis.) The list is endless. Will I do all of that. I doubt it. There is not enough time nor money. But some, yes. Some.

This year is already planned and I will take you on those trips with me when I go. Seattle, Alaska, and San Diego.

Next year I am starting to think about Cuba (oh yeah, I want  a ride in one of those old cars! and I want to see it before all the big hotels and casinos come) and Ireland and back to Spain. I am learning that there are companies that you can trade room and board for English conversation. I would do that. Will let you know more as I learn the legitimacy of those places. Where else? I want to do three trips a year. I am thinking of driving the Pacific Highway in California. I heard it is awesome. I want spare time to explore Florida. It has so much to offer and those are day trips or simple overnighters. Then, I could always take the boat to Key West from Ft. Myers or to Freeport from Ft. Lauderdale. Tons of things to do in this state.

So, have I passed those ants on to you? Gotta keep moving.

Until tomorrow...have a great day!

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