Tuesday, April 5, 2016


It's that time of year for some. Snowbirds are leaving the sun and fun to go back to reality -- the cold and home.

Me, I am here year round so I am looking forward to higher humidity with the sun and fun. Really, though, coming from the Midwest, the humidity is about the same, and maybe a bit better here because what I learned last year is there is a nice breeze most of the days. In Illinois, the air can just sit there. July and especially August can be brutal months without air conditioning.

But today my windows and doors are open, the sun shines bright and everything is right with the world. I don't think I will watch the news today. It's just too nice of a day to hear and see the gloom and doom in some places of the world. Some days I just do not need to see reality.

And that is what snowbirding is all about. Initially, Al and I were going to be snowbirds and I talked about it incessantly. So much so that my co-worker gave me this snowbird to keep my dream alive. Needless to say, that is not what happened. After Al died, I did try snowbirding one year, and it was just too much trouble to pack up, unpack for three months, then pack up again and unpack.

So, although it is good for some, it is not good for this single person. And I didn't want the responsibility of living in two spots.

So, here I am, in paradise.

And the snowbirds are leaving. Driving here and there, on the move. I do not envy them in the least. It is 31 degrees in Illinois, 43 in New York. I'll take the 71 degrees here. Sandals and all.

Until tomorrow...have a sunny day!

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