Thursday, April 28, 2016

Somedays Art is Free

Today was a fun day. I did not work at any of my crafts nor did I write. I went with a long-time friend to go to Plant City to a ceramic shop where I picked up Michael the Archangel bisque ceramic.

I went to a ceramic show last Fall and I saw a huge (at least 3 feet high) ceramic piece of an angel. I fell in love with it and have thought about the piece since. Eventually, I called the shop and told the person I was interested in Michael the Archangel. The man said he was sold but they would pour me another. So, today, I picked up my friend and we went to get Michael. (Once he is painted, I will show him off in color!) This is not the one I remember, but he will do just fine until I find the other one. Then, I will have two angels to watch over me as I sleep!

My friend and I made a day of it. We went to lunch and shopping (more supplies for my crafts and items for the house). It was a great day and one well deserved since all I have been doing is writing my book and working on presents for other people.

What was really grand was when I turned down the street where I live, and this is what I saw in the middle of the street, not moving for anyone.

These pictures are of a Florida Sandhill Crane. There is no need for art when I can simply drive down the street and see these lovely creatures.

Until tomorrow...have a great day!

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